
Fixing Cloud Network Security with Aviatrix Distributed Cloud Firewall for Egress

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Fixing Cloud Network Security with Aviatrix Distributed Cloud Firewall for Egress


Fixing Cloud Network Security with Aviatrix Distributed Cloud Firewall for Egress

JULY 26 – 27, 2022 | BOSTON, MA

Fixing Cloud Network Security with Aviatrix Distributed Cloud Firewall for Egress

Visit us at Booth #209
Fixing Cloud Network Security with Aviatrix Distributed Cloud Firewall for Egress

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As more business-critical workloads move to cloud, hackers are taking notice. According to a recent report, cloud exploitation grew by 95% in 2022, representing a 3x increase in attacks specifically for cloud. Similarly, Venafi reported that 81% of companies experienced a cloud security incident in 2022. Cloud applications can no longer afford to be under-protected, especially against new attacks specifically designed to infiltrate critical cloud systems.
There has never been a more important time to ensure that your cloud applications are fully secured. One area that is critical to protect is Internet egress, especially when cloud-native NAT gateways are involved. This eBook will review:

  • The top 6 challenges associated with cloud-native NAT gateways
  • Business drivers and technical barriers underpinning these challenges
  • How a simple, turn-key replacement like Aviatrix Distributed Cloud Firewall for Egress can help you achieve better security for a lower cost

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"We’re coming to the table saying you don’t need that high-cost NAT gateway. We are showing them how they can save money. It is really giving them visibility, understanding and awareness."

John Bristol, Enterprise Vision Technologies

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The third wave of cloud networking is happening

  • End-users survey results and interviews with end users reveal increased demand for MCN and HCN solutions. In this report you will learn more about the trends. ​
  • Research indicates that networking has become a key pain point for delivering multicloud and hybrid cloud strategies. ​
  • End users see MCN and HCN as critical infrastructure. ​
  • Controlling cloud costs is an escalating issue. ​
  • Demand for MCN technology is expected to grow quickly. ​


Aviatrix networking and security software – born in the cloud, for the cloud – delivers the simplicity, performance, and scale required for enterprises moving to the cloud.


At our booth, ask about details to the special happy hour happening in Boston. This limited event is sure to be memorable.

Key Report Findings


Indicated that MCN is expected to help simplify or accelerate hybrid or multicloud adoption


Would like to build cloud-native networking technology that is integrated with cloud provider constructs and connectivity models​


Managing the costs of cloud usage has become an urgent priority​

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Solution Brief
Distributed Cloud Firewall

Reduce cloud infrastructure costs and improve cloud network security.

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Cut NAT Gateway Costs While Enhancing Security

Find out why AWS recommends that customers replace NAT Gateways with Aviatrix to reduce overall cloud spend.

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Enhance Cloud Security. Lower Your TCO. Keep Your Architecture.

Learn how Replacing Last Gen Firewalls can help you reduce costs, complexity, and MTTD/MTTR.

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Learn how organizations are creating a multi-cloud network and security architecture that meets requirements for scale, performance and automation. The session will highlight best practices for creating a multi-cloud architecture, proven design patterns for key use cases in AWS and Azure. This will take into account critical operational and troubleshooting requirements.

During this session, you will also learn how to:

  • Embrace and extend the network and security services already available from AWS and Azure
  • Gain visibility and troubleshooting capabilities by owning your multi-cloud data plane
  • Integrate your Palo Alto VM-Series Firewall into your AWS network architecture
  • Use Transit networking services to integrate cloud and on-prem resources
  • Enable network segmentation policies for VPC/VNET resources
  • Implement high performance encryption for data-in-motion

Aviatrix on the Main Stage

Aviatrix networking and security software – born in the cloud, for the cloud – delivers the simplicity, performance, and scale required for enterprises moving to the cloud.

Aviatrix networking and security software – born in the cloud, for the cloud – delivers the simplicity, performance, and scale required for enterprises moving to the cloud.

Aviatrix on the Main Stage

Aviatrix networking and security software – born in the cloud, for the cloud – delivers the simplicity, performance, and scale required for enterprises moving to the cloud.

Aviatrix networking and security software – born in the cloud, for the cloud – delivers the simplicity, performance, and scale required for enterprises moving to the cloud.

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