As you complete your plans for moving IT infrastructure and application workloads to Azure, it’s important to understand what connectivity and security services Microsoft includes by default – and what’s missing. Though Azure comes with baseline capabilities, it’s still up to you to choose judiciously among many Azure-native and third-party options to address unique requirements. This session explores use cases, such as encrypting traffic between VNets holding sensitive data, remote user access to VNets, multi-cloud connectivity, and filtering egress traffic to the Internet.
In Bootcamp #9, we cover the questions you should be asking: what are the key issues that matter, what does Microsoft provide, and what’s missing? We address these questions for each of the five most common use cases:
In Bootcamp #9, we cover the questions you should be asking: what are the key issues that matter, what does Microsoft provide, and what’s missing? We address these questions for each of the five most common use cases:
- On-prem to VNet
- VNet to VNet
- VNet to Internet (Egress)
- User to VNet
- VNet to AWS VPC
We then demonstrate how a software-defined approach can deliver simplified and unified control over cloud routing, embracing both Azure-native and third-party services.
Slides Included
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Who Should Watch
Anyone responsible for connectivity of cloud resources, including cloud architects, cloud infrastructure managers, cloud engineers, network security and networking staff.
Presented by our Solution Architects, Aviatrix Bootcamps ditch the marketing spin and deliver fact-based advice and cloud networking best practices. You'll receive a link to the replay and you can download the presentation slides.